Wednesday, December 27, 2006

This Week's "Oops I Crapped My Pants Award" -- And the Season's Too

The Steelskins First Annual "Oops I Crapped My Pants" Award goes to none other than last year's Super Bowl-winning QB, Ben Roethlisbergenschmeisterson. In 2006, he threw more interceptions than his name has letters, and that's a fact. He played like poop against the Ravens Christmas Eve, and personally lost the Steelers a game against Oakland, and maybe even Jacksonville. Here's hoping the Steelers have a new coach (almost certain) who will better know his QB and how to put him in winning situations, and also help him to avoid faceplanting against cars at high speed in the offseason.


Anonymous said...

That would be a literal pants crapping, rather than a metaphorical, but it's always good to know that the same person can accomplish both!

AJOC said...

He stinks