Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Something smells fishy...oh wait, that's just my AIDS

So apparently, Tommy Morrison (aka Tommy "Machine" Gunn from Rocky V) is NOT, in fact, HIV positive, as he

Morrison, who once tested positive in 1996, effectively ending his promising boxing career at 46-3 (actually, he fought at least once more later that year in Japan, but whatever), now says it was a misdiagnosis and he has since tested negative multiple times.

The West Virginia State Athletic Commission is cool wit it. Of course the appalachian state lacks mandatory blood testing for boxers (as well as for cousins/candidates for marriage licenses, apparently). Morrison is now contracted for 8 fights.

Said Morrison: "The rug was yanked out from under my feet by a misdiagnosis. All I want to do is fight. ... It's unfinished business."

During the decade that went by since Morrison last fought, Tommy might not have died from AIDS, but the sport of boxing sure did. Nearly the entire pool of fresh talent has swam over to the world of MMA, leaving boxing with little to promote. This sounds like either one of the biggest medical screw ups in sport's history or a cry for help from a corrupt sport right before it hits the concrete on its fall from grace.

Said every boxer in the world: "I ain't fightin' that guy." No offense.

Steel Skins tried to reach Sly Stallone for comment, but he was too busy filming his next picture, Rambo IV (No, I'm not joking). You see what you Rocky Balboa fans have done? You give a senior citizen a can opener, and he'll open up the entire can of worms.

1 comment:

wagnerav said...

i left out the best part! the plot of Rambo IV, according to IMDB: "Rambo is hired by a group of Christian missionaries to protect them from a band of pirates." my only hope is that the pirates are led by Captain Jack Sparrow.