The World's Most Dangerous Job: Steeler Mascot
The Steelers have disgraced themselves with a new mascot, a Cowher-chin-esque steel worker named Steely McBeam. He has earned much disapproval and mockery here. and here. and here. and here. and here.
My guess is that Steely McBeam will be removed from the Steeler consciousness by midseason. The only real question is:
Will he be yanked by management (who, rumor has it, didn't want the thing but were told to by the NFL)
Will he actually be killed by the Steeler Nation?
So which is it? Leave your votes in the comments. If you think he will be killed, do describe the manner of death you anticipate befalling him.
Is it possible to be terrible toweled to death? We will find out by Game 3, that's my vote.
Bart: Dad, why did you take me to a gay steel mill?
Homer: I...don't...know! Has the WHOLE WORLD GONE GAY?!?!?!
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