Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Teddy Roosevelt Sucks at Racing Theory

I started a new blog with Sean Flaherty called Flat Black Ops, where, being the conspiracy theorist that I am, I post a theory, and he, being the skeptic, follows it with a rebuttal about how I'm dead wrong.

While Sean has yet to respond to my first conspiracy theory (expect his response sometime this week), I thought you'd all enjoy it, especially Boss Hog.

It's the "Defeated Teddy Theory", and it's all about how Teddy has yet to win a race at the Washington Nationals' Presidents Races.

You can find it here.


Anonymous said...

So you are redirecting from this blog that no one reads to another blog that no one reads. Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

I apologize for acting like a woman's soccer player. You can cross post all you want. Just don't cross dress!

wagnerav said...

Please don't ostracize me!