Friday, January 26, 2007

This is just silly

ESPN's Page 2 tries to rank all the Super Bowl teams from strongest to weakest. Isn't this what they invented video games for?


AJOC said...

The '91 Skins are No. 10, but I think they should be higher. They have to be one of the closest to going unbeaten in the post 1972 Dolphins era. A one point loss to Dallas, and a loss to the Eagles in the final game of the season when they sat all their starters. And even that was only a 2 point loss. They destroyed the league that year. Anyway, I guess that's what these lists are for, to stir debate.

wagnerav said...

i usually despise lists like this and spend hours refuting them. but between you, me and the tens of thousands of Steel Skins fans now reading this comment, that's just on the surface. the truth is, as a lifelong list maker, i'm slightly jealous i didn't get to making this list first.

in the end, i like it. while i probably don't agree with all of it, it's still fun to analyze. personally, i don't know how you can not have the '85 Bears at #1, but #2 is probably close enough. and i wouldn't have the '72 Fins at #7. maybe top ten, but that's pushing it.